Neues Testament -> Theologie des Neuen Testaments
Jesus and the God of Israel. "God Crucified" and other Studies on the New Testament's Christology of Divine Identity
Richard Bauckham
2008, 285 Seiten
Umschlagtext: "The basic thesis of the heart of this important book on New Testament Christology is that the worship of Jesus as God was seen by the early Christ-believers as fully compatible with their Jewish monotheism. These Jewish belivers in Jesus, argues Bauckham, believed that their Lord participated in the divine identity of the one God of Israel.
Readers will find in this volume not only the full text of Bauckham's classic book God Crucified but also seven other groundbreaking essays written subsequently. These essays provide more detailed support for, and an expansion of, the claim that a high Christology in Christian thought is both very early and very Jewish."
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