Altes Testament -> Literatur zum Pentateuch
Sepher Torath Mosheh. Studies in the Composition and Interpretation of Deuteronomy
Daniel I. Block und Richard L. Schultz (Hg.)
2017, 450 Seiten
Dieser Sammelband enthält folgende Beiträge:
1. Deuteronomy: A History of Interpretation and Evangelical Responses (Peter T. Vogt)
2. Ancient Near Eastern Treaty Traditions and Their Implications for Interpreting Deuteronomy (Neal A. Huddleston)
3. Challenges to the Use of Ancient Near Eastern Treaty Forms for Dating and Interpreting Deuteronomy (K. Lawson Younger Jr. und Neal A. Huddleston)
4. Josiah and the Composition of Deuteronomy (Michael A. Grisanti)
5. The Book of Deuteronomy: Pseudepigraphy, Pseudonymity, or Something Else Altogether? (Bill T. Arnold)
6. Slaves and Rebels: Inscription, Identity, and Time in the Rhetoric of Deuteronomy (Brent A. Strawn)
7. Literary and Other Observations on Passages Dealing with Foreigners in the Book of Deuteronomy: The Command to Love the ger Read in Context (Markus Zehnder)
8. The Cult in Deuteronomy and Its Relationship to the Book of Covenant and the Holiness Code (Richard E. Averbeck)
9. Wisdom and Torah in Deuteronomy (J. Gordon McConville)
10. When a Prophet Quotes Moses: On the Relationship between the Book of Hosea and Deuteronomy (Carsten Vang)
11. Archaeology of Mount Ebaö and Mount Gerizim and Why It Matters (Sandra L. Richter)
12. Hearing Galatians with Moses: An Examination of Paul as a Second and Seconding Moses (Daniel I. Block)
13. Concluding Reflections (Richard L. Schultz)