The Book of Ezekiel (2 Bde)
Daniel I. Block
New International Commentary on the Old Testament
Eerdmans Publishing Company
Vom Umschlagtext:
"An extensive introduction helps to orient readers of Ezekiel's prophecies to the times, methods, and message of the prophet and to the special literary features of the book. Block then deals successively with each literary/prophetic unit of Ezekiel. The treatment of each unit consists of a fresh translation of the text accompanied by technical textual notes, a discussion of the style and structure of the pericope, a verse-by-verse commentary on the unit, and theological reflections on the significance of the unit. Throughout the commentary special attention is also paid to the rhetorical methods that the prophet employs to get his message across to his original audience.
In bringing questions of contemporary importance to the text of this ancient document, Block convincingly demonstrates not only that the message of Ezekiel can be understood but also that its message is highly pertinent today."
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